Organisational Review

Client: Major organisation in the Investment Management industry

Assessing the adequacy and sustainability of an organisational structure


The client, a major and well-established organisation in the Investment Management industry, anticipated leadership changes at the highest level of its organisation. Considering these changes, one of their key objectives was the executions of a smooth and orderly leadership transition, while ensuring the organisational set up remained sustainable and carried out the mission and purpose in the industry efficiently and effectively.

As such, the client mandated AlgoMe Consulting to undertake a comprehensive review in order to assess the adequacy and sustainability of the organisational model and structure.

Our approach

We undertook the assessment of the client’s organisational design through a comprehensive 360 degrees review process, which included one to one conversations, dedicated workshops and elements of desk research.

Our approach was to understand the connection and balance between several interacting elements of the client’s organisational design: Strategy; structure; staff; skills; style; systems; shared values. The impact of the client’s external eco-system and their client’s requirements was also factored in this assessment. The outcome of our assessment served as a basis to propose areas of focus and recommendations for potential organisational changes.

Client outcome

This assessment allowed our client to be more cognisant of number of positive levers in their organisational design, while better understanding some organisational and operational risks which contrast with these positive points. Our recommendations, outlined in a detailed implementation plan, served as the roadmap to roll out meaningful and sustainable changes addressing the client’s immediate capacity and leadership transitional risk, and their more structural and organisational risks.

Get in touch if you would like to know more about this programme and our other relevant experience


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