Coffee With… AlgoMe Consulting: DORA countdown – is your firm ready?

Posted by Paul Mullins on 17 July 2024

Our new Coffee With… AlgoMe Consulting podcast focuses on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).
The EU sees the industry’s increasing reliance on technology as putting it at risk from Cyber threat and significant IT incidents. DORA, is designed to minimise such issues. DORA entered into force in early 2023. In just a few months it will apply in full, which is why we have chosen DORA as today’s topic.

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Operational efficiency for firms: Clean your data…but only when you have to

Posted by Paul Mullins on 5 June 2024

When it comes to operational efficiency, or inefficiency, why do a job three times over when you could do it once instead? The reality for many right now is, if you were to review your operations, it is highly likely there is room for improvement and plenty of opportunity to make efficiencies. In this blog we are going to cover the key considerations for managers when approaching the most efficient ways to organise and clean data.

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Listen to our new podcast: Mirror, mirror on the wall…. What conference agendas say about the Investment Management industry

Posted by Luuk Jacobs on 26 September 2023

Now that industry conferences are back to full capacity, Pierre-Yves Rahari, Partner, AlgoMe Consulting joins us for our new podcast: Mirror, mirror on the wall…. What conference agendas say about the Investment Management industry.  In this fascinating conversation, he talks about what’s on the agendas for these events and what they tell us about the industry today.

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New Coffee With… AlgoMe Consulting podcast: AI – what are the implications for the Investment Management industry?

Posted by Luuk Jacobs on 18 July 2023

We see AI being applied across many industries, which is why we think it deserves to be the centre stage topic for our latest podcast. In this episode we are in conversation with Luuk Jacobs, Partner, AlgoMe Consulting, who has been studying and working in this field for some time now and we ask him the question; what are the implications of AI for the Investment Management industry?

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